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Utah - Arches National Park

When planning my quest to visit a National Park in every state, I knew that visiting the National Parks in Utah would be a highlight, and my trip to Arches definitely lived up to that expectation!. Since my visits are short, and are in conjunction with other responsibilities, I knew that my visit to Arches would only be about 4 hours long. While planning this trip, I studied the maps of the park on the NPS site: Through this site, I decided on seeing the Delicate Arch. First, it is beautiful, and Second, many people know this arch - as it is featured on the Utah state license plates.

The park is huge, with many square miles. I arrived at the site in mid-morning, and there was a long line to get in through the gate. It took about a half hour, and my National Park Pass allowed me to get in without a fee. Once in, I parked and went into the large Visitor Center. The Visitor Center included exhibits, a film, a store and an information desk. It was very busy at the Visitor Center, and I went and watched the film. It was already underway, with several people watching. It was on a constant loop, so I stayed until I had seen the entire thing. It was very interesting, and talked about the topography, the types of rocks, and how water was instrumental in forming the rock formations. After this experience, I decided to ALWAYS watch the movie at an NPS property. They are so well done!

After the movie, I went to talk to a ranger about my hike. Unfortunately, due to rain the day before, the roadway to see the Delicate Arch overlook was closed. I had to figure out a different thing to do. The ranger indicated that I could still see Delicate Arch, but I would need to hike to it. I was hesitant, because I am not exactly in awesome physical shape, and it had a higher difficulty rating than I was really comfortable with, I was alone, and I just wasn't sure about it. In addition, it was hot out.

I had water, and I decided to go for it. Off I went to the trailhead.

It was VERY crowded. I guess a lot of people had the same idea as I did, and I wasn't actually ALONE after all. There were all types, young and old. I felt better when I saw the people that were there.

Much of the hike was up a very steep bald section of rock. All along the way, people on the way back were encouraging - saying "its worth it - keep going" and things like that. I took their word for it and kept going. Near the top, the trail got flatter, and there was more foliage. It was very interesting looking, and quite beautiful. The vistas throughout the hike were awesome. However, I had been on the hike for about an hour, and hadn't had one sighting of Delicate Arch.

I kept going, and the trail started getting skinny, and traveled along the edge of the mountain. It wasn't really scary, but you definitely needed to be paying attention. Then, I turn the corner, and there is Delicate Arch!... like RIGHT there!

It took me about a half of a second to decide that I would be one of the people to get in line and have some random stranger take my camera and get a shot of me under the arch. The photo doesn't do it justice. I am standing on a saddle, with the back side having about a 1000 foot dropoff and the front about a75 foot dropoff.

It was beautiful, and one of my favorite National Park memories.

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