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Writer's pictureMTNestWanderer

January 2024 Class - Sea Glass in Brookfield

Sea Glass in Brookfield?  There isn’t even a lake here, much less the sea!  BUT… we do have wine!  And, when there is wine, there happens to be lots of empty wine bottles.   I had the great idea to see if I could make “sea” glass with the broken-up pieces of wine bottles.

First, I needed a rock tumbler, so of course I went to my brother, who has MANY rock tumblers.  He told me that he found a small one at goodwill, and had bought it for no particular reason, and had no intention of using it, so I could have it.   Perfect!

I picked it up, and John also gave me some of the pellets that need to go in the tumbler to help with the process.   I went home, broke some glass, filled the tumbler and turned it on.


So, it takes a long time, but I just let it go and after a while I forgot about it a bit.   The glass ended up pretty cool, and I’ll probably do it again.

I took many of the pieces and drilled holes in them with my Dremel and made a few pieces of jewelry.


Things I learned:

1.       This takes a LONG time.  Probably less time than in an actual ocean, but still, a long time.

2.       I like blue and clear, but the brown is not my favorite.

3.       A variety of sizes is good for the jewelry making.



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