Tennessee - Obed Wild & Scenic River
Near the end of my Wisconsin to Georgia road trip, after I had finally gotten used to sunset being so early, I got up early one morning to continue heading north, and along the way, I stopped to visit the Obed National Wild & Scenic River. There is a Visitor Center in Wartburg, Tennessee and it was not far out of my way. Unfortunately, it was closed when I got there. COVID has really changed the way many places do business. They did, however, have brochures outside and I found a hike that I was ready to do. At the Lilly Creek Bridge.
I made my way through backroads of rural Tennessee to the Lilly Creek Bridge and saw from the sign that there were several trails, most starting from one spot on the other side of the bridge from the parking area. As I headed across the bridge, I noticed a large white dog lumbering towards me. I was a bit nervous. I was out in the middle of nowhere. As he passed me, he took a little uninterested sniff, then proceeded ahead, and sat down at the trailhead. I apparently had a guide.
The dog led me up the trail to the Lilly Creek overlook and sat and waited while I went out on the boardwalk and took photos. He was ready to continue down the path, but I was headed back down. He reluctantly got ahead of me again and led me back down to the car. He very clearly wanted to keep walking down the path, but after 100 feet or so, settled into a good walking pace back downhill.
At the car, he laid down, and I gave him a treat. It was nice to have a guide during the hike, as this area is known to have a lot of black bear. Although I was a little nervous of the dogs’ presence at first, I was happy to have him around. He is probably waiting at the parking lot today to guide another person!